Tesla shareholders are suing Musk for starting a competing AI company

Tesla shareholders are suing CEO Elon Musk and members of the automaker’s board of directors over Musk’s decision to start xAI, which they say is a competing AI company, and then divert talent and resources from Tesla in the new startup. The lawsuit is one of the most direct challenges to Musk’s decision to start … Read more

iOS 18 features – here’s which will work (and which won’t) with your iPhone

Just because your iPhone can run the latest version of Apple’s iOS software doesn’t mean that every feature included in that update will work on your phone. Sometimes, selected features have hardware requirements that older devices simply cannot meet. And that’s true of iOS 18, which Apple just unveiled at WWDC 2024. When it arrives … Read more

$20 minimum wage in California led to higher fast food prices, less traffic, study shows

CABIA President Tom Manzo joined Fox & Friends to discuss how the minimum wage increase has affected the fast food industry as thousands are forced out of a job. California’s new $20 minimum wage for fast food workers has already caused restaurant prices to rise and foot traffic to drop since it went into effect … Read more

The potentially dangerous asteroid NASA is currently most concerned about

While standing on planet Earth, it’s easy to forget that we’re sitting on a rock hurtling through the Solar System on a path that might collide with other (smaller) space rocks, mostly because we can’t feel that motion. If you ever feel like putting yourself completely at the mercy of random space rocks, we recommend … Read more