Space travel makes you fatter

The journey to the space should be an eye-opening experienceone that gives you a new perspective of humanity and its place in the cosmos. But while you might think that an experience like this would make a person infinitely wiser, a new report discovered that space travel can be real make you a little more … Read more

Scientists find a surprise ingredient in the exoplanet candy mix – sulfur dioxide

A ‘Hot Neptune’ exoplanets has been found to contain sulfur dioxide in its atmosphere – an atmosphere that also erupts into space as the planet orbits the poles of its star in a highly inclined orbit every three and a third days. The existence of sulfur dioxide in the atmosphere of the exoplanet, named GJ … Read more

The rotation of the Earth’s inner core slows down and reverses direction. What does this mean for the planet?

LOS ANGELOS – Earth’s inner core, a solid sphere of iron located deep within our planet, has slowed its rotation, according to new research. Scientists from the University of Southern California say their discovery challenges previous notions about the behavior of the inner core and raises intriguing questions about its influence on Earth’s dynamics. The … Read more

How “Super Photons” are shaping the future of physics


Artist’s impression of a Bose-Einstein photonic condensate (yellow) in a bath of dye molecules (red) that has been stirred by an external light source (white flash). Credit: A. Erglis/Albert-Ludwigs University of Freiburg Researchers at the University of Bonn have demonstrated that super photons, or the photo Bose-Einstein condensates conform to the fundamental theorems of physics, … Read more

Was this sea creature our ancestor? Scientists turn a famous fossil on its head.

Over the past 500 million years, vertebrates have evolved into a dizzying variety of forms, from hummingbirds to elephants, bullfrogs to hammerhead sharks, not to mention our unique species of great ape. But beneath all that diversity, vertebrates share some key features. We all have a spine made of vertebrae, for example, along with a … Read more

The secret to living the last 120 years? Nanobots

I have had many conversations over the years about life extension, and the idea often meets with resistance. People get upset when they hear about an individual whose life is shortened by a disease, but when faced with the possibility of the overall extension of human life, they react negatively. “Life is too hard to … Read more

Researchers accidentally discover that mixing water with a peptide results in self-assembled, self-healing glass

Cracking and self-healing of peptide glass. Credit: Nature (2024). DOI: 10.1038/s41586-024-07408-x A team of materials scientists from Tel Aviv University and Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, both in Israel, working with a colleague from the California Institute of Technology in the US, have discovered that mixing a certain peptide with water results in creating a … Read more

Satellite data reveals anomalies up to 19 days before the 2023 Turkey earthquake

Intensity map and geographic location of the 2023 Turkey earthquake. A black star indicates the epicenter of the earthquake ( Credit: Journal of Applied Geodesy (2024). DOI: 10.1515/jag-2024-0024 A recent study in Journal of Applied Geodesy suggests. Developing early warning systems for earthquakes can be very helpful in preventing death and destruction. One such proposed … Read more